
 Some years ago I used to be very unpunctual.

Imagine this “you are lying down in your bed and suddenly you realize you must go to an important date with your girl at 7:00, you look at your watch and you see it’s 6:30. You know you get wishy-washy and spend a lot of time trying to decide what I want to wear, so you decide tell a little lie to your girl. You tell her that your dad is sick and you are at the drugstore looking for some medicine for him.

Now you are taking clothes out of your closet, desperate and stressed trying to take a decision about what are you going to dress when you heard someone knocking the door, you run to see who’s there. Guess what? It’s your girl, she knows you’re a big irresponsible, unpunctual and liar. She gets angry because you forgot your special day and she decides to break up with you.”

Well, this is exactly what happened to me, and it was like a wake up call that makes me became more punctual.
